GOALS in Projects consolidation and Business 

senior manager in business and projects in africa
No profits, nothing 


The best goals and PNL ratios.

7 projects achieved and 6 professional missions since 2006.

Secret of success:

SENIOR above all, which means a guarantee in comunication, know-how, experience and performance.

Leadership and involvement
SWOT analysis and scenarios.
Strategic planning and targets.
Steering projects heading winning teams.
Overall perspective and operational.
Logistics mastery.
Crisis and stress management.
Empathic personality and camaraderie.
Practical person and resolutive.
Ability to anticipate and respond.
Ability to take risks and innovate.

Because of the 4 PILLARDS of SUCCESS:

1.- Compromise to agglutinate teams and corporate development plans.
2.- Practical to be experienced multidomain and have human skills.
3.- Positive to energize and motivate teams serving the organizations.
4.- Brave to face all the unpredictable situations in everyday life.

senior manager in africa
The finest to be very fine 


 defining actions with fluidity according to the company's circumstances.